So Now What?
Easter has come and gone. The global, catholic Church celebrated together the most significant day in the Church calendar. It was a day when we remember Christ’s victorious resurrection from the dead…
Ben is a husband to Neva and father to four children, Felix (2018), Kaius (2020), and twins Jubilee and Jethro (2023). Ben is the church planting pastor of Redeemer for the Near Westside, a ministry seeking to see a new church planted through the proclamation and demonstration of Christ’s Kingdom.
Easter has come and gone. The global, catholic Church celebrated together the most significant day in the Church calendar. It was a day when we remember Christ’s victorious resurrection from the dead…
I had my first encounter with death when I was in the fifth grade. My family had moved from South Dakota to Northern Virginia when I was in the fourth grade. This…
Who is Your King? Reflections for Palm Sunday Palm Sunday is almost here. This is the day in the Church calendar where we celebrate Jesus’ Triumphal entry into Jerusalem. Our King is…
Elect Exiles. Two words that go together about as well as alone together, minor crisis, or good grief. But this is exactly how the Apostle Peter chose to describe the first century Christians…