Ben Hein

Ben is a husband to Neva and father to four children, Felix (2018), Kaius (2020), and twins Jubilee and Jethro (2023). Ben is the church planting pastor of Redeemer for the Near Westside, a ministry seeking to see a new church planted through the proclamation and demonstration of Christ’s Kingdom.

On Tribalism

I have been meditating on the story of the man with a withered hand in Mark 3:1-6 in preparation for an upcoming men’s retreat. This passage is a wonderful account of Jesus’…

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Meet Lady Jane Grey

It is common in matters of Reformation Church History to primarily speak of these great figures and martyrs of its time: Luther, Calvin, Zwingli, Bullinger, Beza, Cranmer, Knox, Cromwell, Bunyan, etc. Do you…

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